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PNS Deep Cycle


Conditions & Stabilizes


Phototrophic diazotrophs are ecologically integral, and indeed well represented, in natural coral reef microbiomes. This group includes purple nonsulfur bacteria (PNSB), purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) and green sulfur bacteria (GSB) which play critical roles in carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling. Many form symbiotic associations with corals. They even act as keystone species within microbial communities, promoting diverse and dynamic ecosystems overall.


Despite their ubiquitous presence on wild reefs, these beneficial bacteria are not often abundant in reef aquaria. PNS Deep Cycle™ contains a functional consortium of anaerobes, including PNSB, PSB and GSB. Originating from a wild reef, the indigenous microorganisms in this unique product help restore the aquarium microbiome to a more naturally healthful state.



Store at room temperature. Treats 400 gallons. Disperse 1.25 mL/gal broadly into an area of moderate flow; may also be injected or soaked into substrate or biomedia for maximal efficacy (scan QR code to review instructions for special applications); multiple doses can be safely applied and may increase likelihood of permanent colonization. For optimal results, cut protein skimmer, UV sterilizer and ozone generator for one hour following each dose.



Wildcrafted marine anaerobes featuring Rhodovolum sp., Marichromatium purpuratum and Prosthecochloris sp. in a proprietary growth medium. All contents formulated for aquarium use only; not for human consumption!

Click HERE for additional information about PNS Deep Cycle™

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Functional Cohort
of Real Reef Bacteria

Restore key anaerobic microbial genera for

enhanced carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling.

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